Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Past PerformanceMechanical

Department of State—HVAC Replacement—U.S. Embassy, Dili, East Timor

Reliance completed construction services for the replacement and refurbishment of an existing air handling system for the DOS. The installation included removing and replacing an air‐cooled direct expansion condensers and the replacement of all duct insulation on exterior ductwork associated with the existing AHU. In addition, Reliance installed new duck insulation with a waterproof and UV resistant jacketing. Along with construction services, Reliance was contracted to provide recommendations for additional deficiencies that needed to be addressed.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Center for Disease Controls—Drain Pan Installation—CDC Roybal Campus Buld. 17, Atlanta, GA

CDC was in need of replacing the primary drain pans on 7 large air handling units in the mechanical penthouse of building 17. This project captured the condensate and will pipe it to the floor drains. The project is being completed in three phases. The first phase consisted of design and preparation of a construction work plan. The second phase consisted of the replacement of the damaged drain pans and the third phase will be the commissioning of the system to include verification of proper condensate flow.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price


Reliance was contracted by the United States Agency for Global Media and awarded a project to replace two chillers, condensers and two chilled water pumps at the Greenville, NC facility. The existing chillers were nominal 50 ton DX chillers with remote air cooled condensers and they will be replaced with two new 50 ton air cooled chillers. The locations of the chillers are inside a mechanical room and the corresponding condensers are located on the roof. A new foundation will be establish for the installation of the chillers, all auxiliary devices and accessories will be installed and tested to ensure a fully operational chiller.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price


NIH awarded Reliance a contract to correct plumbing deficiencies in Bldg 101, Modules C, D, and E. The work involved replacing the heat recovery coil condensate traps for exhaust fans in C, D, and E Penthouses (EF‐DD‐C‐L‐1, EF‐DD‐C‐L‐2, EF‐DD‐D‐L‐1, EF‐DD‐D‐L‐2, EF‐DD‐E‐L‐1, and EF‐DD‐E‐L‐2). Each exhaust fan consisted of 10 heat recovery coils and 10 condensate traps, for a total of 60 condensate traps for the project. The work also involved replacing select gate valves in the Bldg 101, Module D, basement interstitial space with ball valves. The valves isolate water to multiple systems.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Design Build Generator Switchgear Controls Upgrades - La Moure, ND

Design/build for the replacement of the existing utility and generator paralleling switchgear control system. New control system will provide automatic and manual operations, synchronization, closed transition load sharing and load management, and alarm functions for a system with two engine-generator sets and one utility source. Communication protocol is via Ethernet and control via HMI touch screens. Operates via redundant programmable logic controllers and input/output modules.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Steam Boiler Rebuild, Draft Fan Repairs, and Controls Upgrade—Building 160 MCRD Parris Island, SC

Under three separate contracts, Reliance performed repairs and modifications to three steam boiler units. Boiler 4 repairs included the replacement of 62 water tubes, mechanical and chemical cleaning of all 900 tubes within the boiler and economizer, installation of mud and fire drum seals and refractory, start up and tuning of boiler for dual fuel operation. Manufacture and installation of rain guard on steam stack. Draft Fans Repairs and balancing on boilers 1 and 3. Upgrades of controls for boiler 3.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

AAON Make Up HVAC Unit Installation—JEB Little Creek/Fort Story, VA

Building 531 at Fort Story, which houses the Child Development Center required an upgrade of the existing HVAC system in order to better control the interior environment. Demolition of existing unit and ductwork was carried out. New installation of the following items: completed-concrete pad, 30 ton AAON unit, ductwork and support tower fabricated, vision screen fence, BAC Net controls and wiring, duct fire alarms, emergency shut off switch. Controls are managed by two laps tops. Training provided to Government staff.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Design-Build HVAC Upgrades - Outer Banks, NC

Under two separate contracts, Reliance Construction performed HVAC design, retrofits and modifications to several National Park sites along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The project included: the design and installation of a new system that monitors and adjusts both humidity and temperature levels within three artifact vaults at the Museum Resource Center and a storage facility, new ductwork additions at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse DKQ, and new systems and ducting at the Ocracoke Maintenance Depot and Visitor Center.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Cooling Tower and Chiller Maintenance—MCAS Cherry Point, NC

Reliance is performing a five year contract for the maintenance of cooling towers and chillers within the Fleet Readiness Center at MCAS Cherry Point. The work entails one comprehensive and three quarterly inspections per year. Any issues found during the inspections are quoted and repaired per the governments request.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Design-Build Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) Unit Upgrades—Fort Belvoir, VA

Reliance Construction was subcontracted by Crowder Construction to design and construct a new system to provide cooling to communication units utilizing chilled water CRAC units. New construction includes the installation of controls that integrate with the existing controls systems. New CRAC units and 300 ton chiller units provide heating and cooling as well as humidification and dehumidification to ensure correct conditions for the continuous operation of the network.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Department of State-Repair Boilers-Tbilisi, Georgia

Reliance provides service the the US. Department of State at various embassies and consulates around the world via an IDIQ contract. One of the Task Orders performed for the DOS was at the U.S. embassy in Tbilisi Georgia. The embassy required the refurbishment of two water tube boilers where the Reliance team replaced the combustion burners, performed repairs to the refractory, installed new boiler controls and repaired BACnet sensor communication issues back to the control center. A full study and report on the condition and life expectancy of the boilers rounded out the project.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Department of State - Ulaanbaatar Chancery Mechanical Repairs - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, the capitol city of Mongolia, is the most polluted capitol city in the world, with the air quality being at its worst during the harsh winter months. The U.S. Embassy was suffering from interior air quality and HVAC comfort issues for its occupants. Reliance provided mechanical engineering expertise to perform an evaluation of the existing systems and provide solutions that include a filtration system and redesign of components and ducting to tackle the embassy's problems. The work was conducted in below zero conditions.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Department of State - Kathmandu HVAC Study- Kathmandu, Nepal

The DOS contracted Reliance Construction to provide an assessment of existing HVAC conditions and deficiencies related to the consular area mechanical systems at the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal. Reliance is performing engineering and design services to provide recommended solutions to remediate the consular area pressurization and air flow deficiencies.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Install Back up Generators at Fire Station - Fort A.P. Hill , VA

Reliance Construction was awarded a contract at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia to design and install new emergency backup generators at three fire stations in various locations throughout the base. The design included the sizing of each generator to provide a 72 hour run time during power grid outages. A crane lift of equipment over two of the buildings is required to set the new gensets in place and remove existing equipment. New belly fuel tanks were installed along with transfer switches

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price


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