Thursday, March 27, 2025
Past PerformanceGeneral Construction

Design Build Hiram Ward Federal Building Plaza Repair - Winston-Salem, NC

The federal building located in Winston-Salem houses the Veterans Administration, GSA, a federal courthouse and other federal agencies. Reliance Construction has been contracted to provide a design build solution to the failed waterproofing of the public plaza atop the underground garage, as well as design and construct a new modern plaza to provide a more usable space for the public and federal employees. At the completion of the design phase, work will begin on the demolition, waterproofing and construction phases.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Design-Build Demolition of Various Buildings - MCRD Parris Island, SC

Reliance is performing prime contractor services for the design, hazmat abatement ,and demolition of five buildings at MCRD Parris Island. The buildings are determined to be redundant assets and, due to their age and poor condition, are being demolished to create space for future new building construction. Reliance provided the survey and reporting of all hazardous material in the buildings, topographical, erosion control and utility surveys, and all demolition procedure documents. Each building requires a different approach to the abatement process due to their inherent differences based upon their current or past function.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

JEB Little Creek Pier 17 Catwalk - Virginia Beach, VA

Reliance was contracted to replace a damaged concrete walkway at the end of Navy Pier 17 at JEB Little Creek that provides access to a mooring dolphin. A new 70ft reinforced concrete walkway was manufactured along with new railings and other elements. In order to perform the project, the walkway and materials were brought in by a 100ft barge. Performance of the work involved a marine crane barge lift, where the existing walkway was removed and new walkway installed, while adhering to strict safety protocol for working in a naval harbor space and FAA regulated flight path. Removal and re-installation of lighting and electrical feed to the dolphin was also required.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

JEB Little Creek - B1090 Ladder Installation - Virginia Beach, VA

This project involves the manufacturing and installation of eight counter balanced retractable ladders to an overhead catwalk system in an indoor training facility. The ladders will enable instructors to easily access the ground level during training exercises. Modification to the catwalk and fabrication of mounting systems was also a requirement of the project.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

JEB Little C reek B-3532-Virginia Beach, VA

This design build project at Building 3532 involved multiple construction disciplines to provide interior renovations, life safety, and other building upgrades. After the design period was completed, the project required hazardous material remediation, interior layout modifications and upgrades, mass alert fire alarm systems tied into base BACnet, along with building finishes.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Norfolk US ACE Concrete Walls Demo, Fort. AP Hill, VA

Fort AP Hill is a large U.S Army training facility in eastern Virginia. Range 39 provides explosive breaching education to various military branches. Once a series of lessons were completed, Reliance provided crane and demolition services to replace reinforced concrete wall facades on site. Reliance performed to the standards in the contract and complied with the latest UFC, OSHA, ANSI, IBC, and life safety codes.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

FAA - Mechanical Lift Refurbishment - Fayetteville, NC

Reliance was contracted to upgraded the mechanical lift at the Fayetteville Regional Airport (FAY) Airport Traffic Control Tower. Reliance's expert team installed a cargo gate, designed and installed a lift car ceiling and a maintenance lift car lock out, and provided two cargo tie downs on either side of the lift car. Other key tasks included analyzing, proposing, providing and installing approved new door interlocks at all of the landing doors. Lastly, the team designed and installed personnel sensors in the lift shaft at each landing that were designed to trigger the run safety if personnel are in the lift shraft.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

Department of State - QEI Services - Washington, DC

Contracted by the Department of State, Reliance Construction provides vertical lift expertise at federal facilities throughout the world and in the United States. Our Qualified Elevator Inspectors perform evaluation and inspection services on all vertical systems at U.S. Embassies and other Government assets, preparing reports, budgets, scopes of work and other documentation to ensure the continued safe operation of these systems.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price

JEB Little Creek—Bldg. 126—Construction for Miscellaneous Renovations and Wash Rack, Special Boat Team 20—Virginia Beach, VA

As a Task Order associated with the IDIQ, Reliance completed the demolition and disposal of existing concrete to prepare for the installation of a new wash rack. The existing concrete pad was removed and a reinforced concrete wall, slab and curb were established. Extensive plumbing work was provided which included new catch basins, Automatic Control Valves, and complete waterline installation was needed. Electrical components that were replaced consisted of a new breaker, conduit, wiring and new controls as required to achieve new sequence of operation for the system. This wash rack was construction for use by Special Boat Team 20, a Special Forces unit.

Contract Info

Firm Fixed Price


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